I like many at the moment find the news for want of a better description, ‘quite depressing.’ If it’s not the Corona Virus, it’s protests and violence and vandalism. There’s a lot that can be written about the protests for the Black Lives Matter movement. The murder of George Floyd was brutal and unacceptable in any society. Personally, I think BLM has the right to march and to be heard, and that our Government needs to do something to make changes that will hopefully help our society.
But I don’t like the vandalism, looting and fighting. And I know people are fed up with it, having an opinion doesn’t give people the right to tear down statues, loot and fight. I agree that Colston’s’ statue should come down, but surely this should be done by the strength of voice or a petition, or by people talking, rather than just vandalism, because at the end of the day that is what it is. And my question here is where does it all stop?
I read that he was responsible for, or involved with the building of houses, schools and hospitals, so what do we do with them, do we pull them down too, what if the homes have black people living in them. What if their children go to one of the schools he was responsible for helping to build, or they needed hospital treatment in a hospital he helped create, would they boycott it all for the sake of the BLM movement, how would they feel and what would they do?
The same goes for all people who had responsibilities in this dark period of our history, and they shouldn’t be commemorated, because it shouldn’t have happened, and I won’t defend them. Many say that ignorance is no excuse. But what if people thought it was acceptable to trade people back then because they knew no better?
Let’s all be honest here, it is widely known that heads of villages and elders in Africa sold their own people to the slave traders, so it is nothing to do with white supremacy. It seems many people were prepared to get involved in the trading of black people, including black people, to get rich. Should we start by going back to the pyramids being built, again it is widely recognised that slaves built them, but from all over, not just black slaves, what do we do with those historical monuments I ask?
And Winston Churchill, he was possibly the greatest leader we have had. My point is this, he gave us our freedom, he gave the protestors the right to protest freely, he gave us the freedom of speech and how we live our lives today. Imagine if Hitler had won the war and taken over our country because with his beliefs of a superior white race, it is unlikely that there would be any people of African or Asian descent or from anywhere else for that matter. Probably whites only, after all, he tried to eliminate other white races, the Jews, gypsies and disabled people. Where would he have stopped, because he would have continued in pursuit of his superior white race!
Do I need to mention the vandalism of the memorial to the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, vandalised by the BLM protesters in the USA, if I show you this photo of the regiment do I need to say anymore other than I don’t understand the protesters defacing the memorial to their own people who gave their lives for freedom in the USA?
Another question I have to ask is, where does it all end? If you have read my pages you will know that I am Scottish, so what do I do when I see other races dressing up in their traditional Scottish kilts for a wedding. People, who have no connections in the slightest to Scotland? What do I say when I hear TV presenters speaking in a fake Scottish accent because as recently as a couple of weeks ago I listened to the presenters of Soccer AM, Sky TV’s Saturday morning entertainment and football show, admittedly in a repeat of an older show, speaking in their poor Scottish accents as one of their guests was Scottish – why?
If their guest had African or Asian origins, would they have attempted an accent based on their origins, I was going to say ‘I bet they wouldn’t’, but you wouldn’t get any odds because I know they wouldn’t, they know they wouldn’t, and so does pretty much everyone else know they wouldn’t, so where does it stop?
Well, for some reason, it doesn’t bother me too much, unless it is relentless, which I have encountered once. Wearing traditional Scottish dress to me is a bit of a compliment because people are copying me and my race, surely that is a compliment rather than an insult, after all, you want to be like me and us. The same can be said of a fake Scottish accent in small doses as long as there is no malice and disparaging or racial content, as once again you are copying me, yet again a compliment, so I was okay with Soccer AM.
One customer I visit who I have a good relationship with tends to greet me with ‘how’s my wee Scottish friend,’ or similar, talking in one of the worst fake Scottish accents I have ever heard, but that is it. Up until a couple of months ago, I would greet him with a smile and a handshake.
The one time I have mentioned whereby it was too much was when one person kept talking in a poor Scottish accent all night, and as he spoke, he kept looking at me. It was obviously directed at me as I was the only Scotsman there, so in the end, enough was enough, and I had to say something, which was reasonably polite but to the point and similar to ‘enough is enough it’s becoming unacceptable,’ once I got my point across it stopped. But why?
And only yesterday someone asked me where I originated from. When we spoke about Northern Scotland, he then proceeded to talk in a very, very good accent based on the Inverness area and credit to him, and he sounded like a natural from the area. But again would he have tried an African or Asian accent had those been my origins, again I doubt it very much!
So I don’t mind little bits, and as long as there is nothing derogatory I’m okay with it, but again where do we stop. We are so sensitive these days we are going to have to be even more careful with what we say, whether it be race or colour, gender, religion or pretty much any subject. Because if we say the wrong thing we can be slated if someone has an opinion the other way and what we do? Well, we are all entitled to those opinions, of course without any disparaging content, but it is becoming difficult to talk for fear of saying the wrong thing. But for all the people who think they are right, you have to respect the fact other people will disagree.
I for one would like to see a line drawn, I think we all know what is wrong and what we need to do (or not to do) and we need to move forward, yes take the statues down that need to come down, and make other necessary changes, but let’s get around a table and talk about it and let’s look ahead and make the changes, so this never has to happen again. I have heard statements from both sides, and I listen to them with an open mind. I can see both sides to the arguments and comments that are being made, but the important thing that we must now do is live together and stop the looting and fighting and vandalism, and accept each other for who we are!
And finally, from all that is happening around us I want to write about two men, who for me have stood out in all this turmoil and mayhem for different reasons, they are Patrick Hutchinson and Marcus Rashford. Mr Hutchinson said similar to – ‘this is not about BLM it is about everyone against racism,’ and there has been no more accurate statement in the last few weeks than that. A black man who was seen carrying a white man to safety and no doubt a white man who had ulterior motives for attending a BLM march, but that has yet to be proven.
But Mr Hutchinson, picked him up when he was in extreme danger, threw him over his shoulder and carried him to the safety of the police lines. And if I met Mr Hutchinson, I would want to shake his hand for his humanity. It has nothing to do with the colour of his skin, his origins or his religion, but it is because he showed a great act of kindness, while probably helping someone who had come to protest against him. And for showing the world even in a highly charged moment, we can show care and consideration and help another human being, irrelevant of the colour of his skin. I have read that there were other of his friends initially involved, and I would shake their hands too.
My question at the moment is where is that white man, and why has he not come forward to shake Mr Hutchinson’s hand and thank him, possibly for even saving his life? Shame on him I say, and also shame on him for the reason he was probably there in the first place, although I don’t think that can be proved at the moment. – – Since posting this I have read that he wants to meet Patrick to say ‘thank you’, but let’s see and let’s hope so!
And so talking of helping human beings, what else is there to say about Marcus Rashford, telling us all about his underprivileged childhood and having to visit pound shops to buy food, and even rely on the hand-outs of neighbours and friends.
But instead of just living the lavish life that he could do as a modern-day footballer, he has gone back to his roots and fought for underprivileged children to get free meal vouchers for those that need them during the summer holidays, he fought, and he won. Our Government has backed down and given into his battle, and it is again, one of the most amazing stories.
We are quick (me included) to have a go at overpaid football players. Some are earning over £300,000 per week and refusing to take a pay cut to help their clubs out during this crisis, not even playing but still taking large amounts of money, and to me that is selfish. Well, not Mr Rashford, and as a black man he wasn’t fighting for black children, he was fighting for children!
And if I met him, I would like to shake his hand too, not because he is a football player from my favourite team, but because he has shown a great act of humanity and kindness, certainly when he didn’t have to and when many don’t. What a great fight to win and how commendable for his beliefs and his actions. Two true gentlemen showing that humans can care about other humans, colour aside.
I give to charity, not as much as I could or possibly should, but I do my bit, and one thing the lockdown has taught me is I would like to work doing a job whereby I am getting up in the morning to help those less fortunate than me. Unfortunately, I can’t retire just yet and need to earn a living, but wouldn’t it be fulfilling to get up in the morning and go out and do it while helping other people. If you know of any opportunities up here in the West Midlands, please let me know!
Thank you for reading and stay safe